As winter approaches, I am compelled to change the look and feel of my home to something warm and inviting. You can create a whole new look without spending a lot of money just by moving things from one room to another or upcycling something old into something new. I've been finding some interesting pieces at my local thrift store for next to nothing, as well as some forgotten treasures packed away in boxes in my basement. Crafting with things found in nature is another way to freshen up the look of your home and it doesn't cost a thing. I'm having a lot of fun with this idea...a sort of challenge to do a home makeover for free or almost free. I'd like to share my ideas, so I'll be posting some of my decorating tips here on my blog. I'd really like to hear about your upcycled decorating ideas as well.
The first project I'd like to share is a new set of kitchen curtains that I made from some old muslin tab panels. The panels were my living room drapes about ten years ago and were stashed away in a box in my basement. I cut off the tabs and hems, stitched two of them together end to end, then folded the top down to form a casing for the rod to go through. That's it. Fresh new curtains that didn't cost a thing.
The windowsill needed something new too. I filled 4 thrifted spice jars with some moss and pebbles from my backyard to create some tiny terrariums. They will keep me thinking Spring during the long winter months ahead.
Total cost for these window makeovers was about 50 cents for the thrifted spice jars. I love the new look and it inspired me to wash those dirty windows.