Friday, October 2, 2015


Yesterday was a bit chilly here in PA.
It really felt like Fall.
I went for a short walk around the edges of the woods and gathered a basket of wild rose hips.
Once the thorns are removed they are lovely for decorating with.
I gathered the very last of the lavender from my garden, which didn't amount to much.
There was one pretty blue hydrangea left, so I brought it inside so I can enjoy looking at it.

Took a moment to have a look at the water hyacinths in the pond.
I'm always amazed at how two or three little plants can multiply into hundreds by summer's end.
I noticed that there are a lot of apples on the tree for the deer to enjoy.
It was so nice to be out in the fresh air for a while.
Taking in the very last of Summer and the beginnings of Fall.
Slowing down and settling in.


  1. Lovely photos, Karen! Chilly here, too...we had to turn the heat on this morning. Love the wild rose hips...I've never seen them around here...I do get some from my roses, though.

  2. Thank you Linda! Our heat was on too. Only in the 40's here at night lately. No frost yet though. These wild rose hips are so tiny. I'm not good at growing roses so I'm happy to have these.

  3. Some lovely autumnal shots here Karen. You have reminded me about picking the hydrangea heads to fill up my vases until they are dry. I love the colour they bring inside all through the winter. Have a wonderful weekend xx

  4. I love your photos Miz Karen Ann, nice gatherings, the pond is so pretty.
