Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Simple Things

Today as I stepped out onto my porch with my morning coffee, I could hear a woodpecker in the distance. Smaller birds were chattering and grouping together as they do this time of year. Preparing to fly off someplace warmer until Spring returns again.
 The ornamental grass has burst into plumes and I can see changes in the colors of the surrounding woods.
 Chamomile has taken over what was once the vegetable garden.

It's overcast and rain is in the forecast. 
This is the time of year when I feel the need to hibernate. Depression sneaks up on me and I look for things to surround myself with that bring me comfort. It's always the simple things that are most comforting.
Like finding comfort in simple stitching.
Primitive stitching.
Perfectly imperfect.
Natural linen and cotton with antique shell buttons.
The way the textiles feel in my hands and the rhythm of the stitches calm me.
As the bits of linen and spools of cotton come together, I realize that this simple primitive form is me.
A little sad and craving solitude.
Hanging in there, searching for a creative spark.
Realizing that the beauty is in the simplicity.



  1. I understand this, Karen...there's a little more isolation as fall and winter arrive...and I tend to be a hibernator. Staying creative is my way of dealing with it, too! Your primitive doll is lovely, as are your eloquent words...xo

  2. It looks like your creating, Love, Love the doll, and how beautiful the chamomile is.
    You have so many blessings my friend.
