Friday, May 29, 2020

Happy Milo

Haven't been here in a while. Just took a look at my last post and realized that all of the abnormal starts to feel normal after a while.

This is Milo. He is smiling at me because it's time for him to eat.

Here he is doing a happy dance in the kitchen because something on the stove smells good. 

"It's mom's awful healthy soup stuff. No meat here."

Hope all of you are well and happy. Sending positive thoughts out to everyone.



  1. Nice to see you here, Karen! Milo is a sweetheart! We had a very similar looking dog years ago when we first married. We had her for 11 years and she was the most playful, happy dog we have had! The soup looks delicious...hope you are doing well!

  2. You have a lovely home, a beautiful dog, and good food.....much to be thankful for! Thank you for a comforting post in this crazy time.
