Friday, February 10, 2017

Queen Of Broken Bling

Queen of Broken Bling or maybe the Crusty Queen.
Love her face! It's clay and I purchased it years ago from a shop on Etsy, but it's been so long ago that I don't remember the shop or the artist. I had deleted the account that I was using, so I have no way of looking it up. So sorry…..I'd like to give credit to the artist.
Her body is a rusty old funnel covered in bits of news paper from the 1920's and modpodge.
She's adorned with tattered old lace, broken bits of costume jewelry and vintage buttons.
You can see that a lot of the rhinestones are missing thus the name "Broken Bling".
Oh, almost forgot…
Her crown is an old glass drawer pull.

Even broken can be beautiful.

Have a beautiful day!



  1. Oh I love your queen of broken bling , dear Karen, so special a face, and your funnel is so lovely covered in the old pages. All things lace ,bling and dolls are just me, so this I think is such a fun, and gorgeous art doll !!

    1. Thank you dear Dorthe! I love her face too and wish I could remember who made it. Do you still make your beautiful dolls? Is there a website where I can see more of them and do you still have a shop?

    2. Karen, thank you for asking, -oh it is some years since I last made one of ,what I call the big, dolls, the ones with 3 dimentional heads- but now and then still creating smaller ones. I closed my real shop many years ago, and also the one I had on Etsy , but you can see a few here. and some here, on my Flickr , which I`m also not really using anymore. Do you have a place , where I can see more of your art, ? -a lovely Sunday to you, dear friend.

    3. Thanks Dorthe. I will go over to check out your pinterest for sure. I used Flickr years ago and have deleted my Etsy shop too. I suppose most of my art type things are on my blog. I never really sold much just do some creating for my own sanity I guess.
