Sunday, August 10, 2014

Remembering Grandma's Farm House

Every year the month of August brings back special memories of my childhood and time spent visiting Grandma's farm.  
 I loved playing under the great weeping willow tree in her yard and the arbors covered in climbing blooming vines. It felt like such a magical place and I would spend countless hours there breathing in the heavenly fragrance and sharing secrets with my dolls.
Yesterday as I shopped for antiques with my daughter, I found this pretty piece of teal and white transfer ware that reminded me of those days at Grandma's house.
 Her china cabinet was filled with treasures like this that were off limits to everyone but Grandma.
 I'm not sure what happened to all of those special treasures that belonged to my Grandmother, but when I see something that reminds me of those days I bring it home and relive those wonderful days from so long ago.
To me, Grandma's house was the original Shabby Chic Decor, even though it wasn't labeled as such back then. It gives me such a feeling of comfort.



  1. Lovely memories, Karen. I love how you used the pretty transferware, with vining plant! Enjoy your day.

  2. I love your transferware piece and how you have filled it with a gorgeous vine! I am glad you have wonderful memories to look back on of your gram and cherish.

  3. I know what you mean, something special about Grandmas place and space. I wish those kind of memories for everyone. My Grandpa was special too, thanks for reminding me of them. The gravy boat is really special. I'm not familiar with the vine, but it is beautiful. Wonderful Post!
