Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fiber and Lace

Still feeling a little off this week, but managed to fiddle around with some fiber and lace.
Another owl.
This one made of sari silk yarn.
 Memory wire bracelets wrapped in strips of antique lace.



  1. Love, love, love your owl!!!!! Amazing! Your wrapped bracelet is beautiful! xo

    1. Thanks Marilyn! Finally feeling better and needing to create again.

  2. So glad I find your blog. Love your bracelet. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Hi! I'm glad you found my blog too. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Hi Karen,
    Lové-ing these owls of yours, this one being so true to it real feathered friends of ash like feathered colours and its feathered ear type ness I love the yarn like sprouts.
    I am having a thing for owls these days, reminding me of the 70's where my mom had owls and mushrooms :)

    Love the feel to your art in all you creatively create.
    Thank you dearly for taking the time to visit me and of course your comments truly add to my days.

    I am off to mop my floors and get busy creating some art :)
    Thanks for the creative push today.

    See you son beautiful.


    1. Thanks so much for your kind words and for visiting my blog Dore.

  4. Dearest Karen, I've just stumbled upon your blog and feel such a connection. Your beautiful decor speaks deeply to me, and your crafty is such an inspiration. Both very very similar to my own style.
    I am away on a world tour with my beloved daughter just now and am missing my creative endeavors enormously. Of course it is such a blessing to see the great art of the world, who wouldn't appreciate that? However your beautiful blog speaks straight to my soul and a part of me longs for home and my own treasures.
    Thank you for sharing. I will be a regular visitor from here on out I'm sure...:)
    Many blessings to you and yours, my dear.

  5. Hi Sarita! So glad you stopped by my blog! You are a brave soul to sell everything and travel. It's something I dream about but wouldn't have the courage to do. I'd love to hear about your adventures and your art.

  6. The owl turned out sweet in the sari silk, good idea. The bracelet is a fine thing. One can't go wrong with antique lace. You are so creative!
    Oh good, a "pin it" on your wonderful photos! I'm off to procrastpinating now.

  7. I love the lace wrapped bracelet! What a neat Idea!
