Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Heart Of Stone

I've not been well this past week, but after a trip to the doctor and a couple days of antibiotics, I'm starting to feel a bit better now. Things have gotten behind around here, as they always do when I'm out of commission. Everything needs a good cleaning, so I started with the porch. While I was sweeping the stairs I happened to notice that one of the rocks beside the stairs very much resembled a heart.
 I always look for heart shaped stones when I'm out walking, so I don't know how I missed this one, right beside the porch. It's quite large as you can see by the photos.
 Maybe it was partially hidden by the rocks around it, or maybe you have to look at it in just the right way for it to look like a heart.
Anyway, I guess it really doesn't matter.
It looks like a heart to me.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Miz Karen Ann!
    I am glad you are feeling better. I love the heart, it was good to give it new purpose, I think it is plain to see it is a heart. The herb basket is kewl too. I hope you have sunshine today, this winter thing is getting old.
    LOve YOu My Friend!!!
