Thursday, November 7, 2013

Making Yarn

I had a kind of free day yesterday.
Nobody here but the dog and me.
I used the time for making yarn.
 As you can see, I need a lot more practice.
I'm spinning from my own carded batts, which is a little more difficult than spinning from roving.
Even though my yarn is far from perfect, I like the way it looks in a finished piece.
Thick and thin.
This yarn was made from all the little bits and pieces of wool that were left over from lots of past projects.
Finished bag.
I took some time to finish up a couple of crochet projects that were nearly done as well.
Here is a simple neck piece that was done with store bought yarn.

 This cowl was also crocheted using yarn that was machine made.
 I think over all I like the more imperfect look of my hand spun over the mass produced machine made.
I plan to keep on trying to master my spinning wheel in the days and weeks ahead.
Okay...maybe years.
It's not as easy as I thought it would be.
My goal is to become even half as good as Jacey Boggs.
Her art spun yarn is too cool to even use.
Maybe some day.............

Thanks for listening to me babble on.


  1. I think your wool is just lovely, so natural, so pretty and warm. It has soul. I don't know much of the spinning world, but I thought it was a "good thing" to have it spin unevenly. What's the point of perfect strands,,,might as well go to the store and buy machine made. The bag and scarf are so nicely done my talented friend.

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  3. Your yarn and handmade pieces look absolutly gorgeous to me! They are a part of you, the part we strive for as artists, the uniqueness, the originality.....I just love all those tiny bits of goodness! Wow! So beautiful Karen!

  4. Karen, your yarn is so beautiful. I am in awe of you. I have always wanted to learn how to spin but have been a wuss about is. I am proud that you keep going and creating such lovely and personal yarn. Keep going, sister.
