Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Crocheted Mushrooms

I'm so sorry I can't offer instructions for these little mushrooms.
I rarely use a pattern when I crochet and tend to make things up as I go along.
 I'm pretty sure you could find a tutorial for something similar on one of the crochet pattern sites.
 No pattern for these either...SORRY.  Just some beads I made while watching TV.
 Some old architectural pieces with a bit of fresh paint.
I guess I'm in a bit of a funk today.
Sorry all.



  1. Hi Miz Karen Ann!
    Well, if that is a funk, then I want to watch that channel. So colorful and fun! I could never crochet like that. Well done my friend, well done.

  2. Everything you make is magic! Love the mushrooms! I have been in a funk for months.
