Monday, July 29, 2013

Gifts From My Friend

Last week was a week filled with emotions, both good and bad.
Since this is my HAPPY go to place, I'm going to share the good.
I received two wonderful packages from my dear friend Marcie, filled with the most wonderful folk art ever and I just had to share some photos. 
This is one of the dolls. I just love her.
 And this sweet dog, looks like my Jack.
 A tiny plush pony in a special pouch.
All stitched up by hand with pattern included.
 And these crows are just two of the amazing handmade birds.
I love them all, but these are my favorite!
 Did I mention how much I love the crows?
They are painted fabric that feel and look like leather.
 Such sweet horses.
A mama and a baby.
 Great big fruit.
How fun!!!
 A stack of special papers for framing and for crafting.
These are but a few of the wonderful handmade goodies that I received from Marcie.
It was the best part of my week.
Thank you Marcie!



  1. You are most welcome, I am glad they all have a good home. and . Your photos are really good Miz Karen Ann!
    Talk soon!

  2. OMG! You hit the jackpot! These goodies are amazing that Marcie makes, they are all so beautiful, rustic and perfect, and your home has all the perfect places for them! I owe you a big long email or phone call, life and health are stresfull here too, will try to talk soon, big hugs, always thinking of you!

  3. Wow, your Marcie is a true friend. What wonderful creations!
