Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Don't Throw That Away

In keeping with last weeks repurposing of STUFF, I came up with a way to still wear those favorite  garments that I have worn to death.
The hoarder in me hung onto my favorite bohemian dress even though it had literally fallen apart.
I so loved the colors and the texture of the fabric.
I just had to keep it alive for a little longer.
Maybe even forever.
 Accessories were the answer to saving at least a part of that dress.
I made a necklace  from crocheted strips of the dress fabric, and
 covered some boring hoop earrings with some of the fabric,  then wrapped them with thread.
 This bracelet was made from a cloth napkin that I had picked up at a flea market because I liked the colors and design of the fabric.
I wrapped some cotton clothesline with a strip of the napkin fabric, added random stitches and a bit of crochet, then a tiny, glass, vintage button.
Now I can hold onto a part of my favorite boho dress for a while longer and I'll be wearing that napkin turned bracelet for years to come.


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