Thursday, June 27, 2013

Be Careful What You Wish For

I wished for rain so I wouldn't need to water the garden and this is what I got.
This is a photo of my back yard taken early in the evening and the water is still rising with more rain in the forecast.
 I saw big trees and lots of debris floating past.
There was a family of ducks swimming where my lawn was a few hours before.
Here the water was about to run out over my driveway.
Here it is up to the edge of the road right past the end of my driveway.
Our air conditioner has stopped working because the drains are too full and our well water has turned to mud.
I just went out on the deck to see how close the water is to the house and it's starting to worry me.
I can hear a chainsaw in the distance.
Several of the towns near here are completely under water and people have been evacuated.
Most roads in the area were closed this evening and I suspect they still are.
Apparently the city of Dubois which is about 25 miles north of here, is in a state of emergency and there is no way in or out.
On the news I saw people there being rescued by boat.
This is so not what I was wishing for.
Hope you are all safe and dry where you are tonight.
Please send prayers our way.


  1. Holy Smokes!!!!! Do "you" have a boat? Dang!
    I just saw the weather channel, what a mess!
    Praying for you my friend.

    1. Hi Marcie. It's pretty frightening here. The water is about 20 yards from my house this morning. We've been lucky though.

  2. Oh dear Karen, I'll be praying. Please keep us updated and let us know you're OK. We have clay soil here and when it rains really hard for a period of time it can't soak it in and sometimes comes up over our back patio - it is scary when it's happening. Stay safe!

    1. Hi Jill. Thanks so much for your prayers and kind words. We have been very lucky so far. I'm afraid to see what the surrounding areas must look like though. More rain coming.

  3. Oh, I hope it stops raining soon! Be safe...we have some flooding, but nothing like what you are experiencing.

  4. Hi Roseanna. All is well. The water has gone back to the creek, so I think we'll be okay as the week goes on. I hope you stay safe and dry too!
