Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Vintage Love

Flea Market Season is upon us here in PA.
That is a good thing because my husband and I love junkin and a bad thing because we already have so much stuff.  Our weekends usually involve some sort of pickin, whether it's a flea market, garage sale, thrift or antique shop. It is a rare occasion that we make it home without at least some little trinket or other. 
I'm loving small vintage  ceramics lately. 
I had a hard time controlling myself when I found these old wooden Asian shoes.
I have a small corner devoted to my collection of vintage Asian treasures and these were such a great find. I just had to have them.
This sweet puppy lost his mate and has a booboo eye. I had to rescue him before it was too late.
This befuddled looking cat reminded me of myself most days.
This vintage fry pan is such a happy color with the sweetest designs.
It ALMOST makes me want to cook something ; )

I hope all you pickers and junkers out there are finding lots of sweet treasures that make you happy too.


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