Friday, January 11, 2013

Wooden Push Pins

Our Walmart here in Punxsutawney doesn't have much.
Just simple basic things.
They took out the craft department a couple of years ago, so if I want to buy something crafty, I have to drive to Dubois or Indiana. Both a 45 minute drive from here.
I guess that's the price you pay for living in the woods.
Today I was excited to find wooden push pins for my inspiration board.
(It doesn't take much to excite me these days)

If you took the time to read this post, I'm sure you're thinking "this woman needs to get out more" and you would be right, because that's exactly what I'm thinking to myself as I am typing this.

Anything exciting at your Walmart?
Probably not.
Have a great day!


  1. Hey any time any one sells something that isn't plastic, it's a great day! LOLOLOL I like those - will have to see if mine has them.

  2. I don't husband brought me two onions the other day and I was delighted...I love your wooden push pins--I think they're pretty exciting, too.

  3. I do love the wooden push pins, little things like that can be sooo very exciting....but you know how I hate wallyworld...I know you will save money not having all the places to shop. Say, those baskets are heaven! Did you make them?
