Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Crocheted Garland

A few months ago I found some old vintage curtain rings in a box in the basement.
I did a simple single crochet around each one and tied them together to make a colorful garland.
The pretty yarn is some hand spun wool that I purchased locally.
Still keeping it simple.
Just can't seem to concentrate on anything too involved lately, but I always feel like I need to be making something.
I thought playing with some pretty paper might snap me out of my mood.
So, I tried making some simple origami boxes.
Color always seems to cheer me up.
What do you do to beat the winter blahs?



  1. Oh I love that garland and the colors in it! So pretty. I haven't had time to craft in so long but now I do and I'm going to look for some ufos in my studio - I KNOW there are some out there - and try to finish them. Quite a while ago I know I was making some cloth covered box pin cushions and have everything cut to size. So those will be first on my list. Then I'll dig further LOL

  2. Hi, well, there you go again,"Oh Creative One",,love this ring garland,,,so perfectly you!
