Monday, January 21, 2013

Back To Bed

It's Monday, it's cold, and it's snowing.
I should have called this post "Bitch and Moan Monday".
I just want to go here...
 soak in the tub...
put on my handmade pajamas...
and go back to bed.
I goofed off all weekend and now it's time to get busy.
No going back to bed for me.
I must have been dreaming.
How about you?


  1. It's cold here too, and gray and lousy, and I am bitchin too...ha! I would love to be soaking in a tub or in jammies all day, especially homemade ones!! I miss you and send hugs! I am still working on a package back to is slow going, but it will happen. In the menatime I think of you often!

  2. Nothing wrong with a fantasy, hey, be good to yourself, have a soak, ya know after the house is clean. You deserve it. Brilliant photos Miz Karen Ann.
    Love and prayers!
