Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Felt Good

I've been busy felting goodies for some upcoming craft events and for some gifts too.
I'm finally getting around to stringing a few of the beads I've made.

I added some wool beads to the tops of these hair sticks or shawl sticks.

A friend gifted me a purple pin cushion a couple of years ago and I just loved it, so I thought I'd give that a try too.

I've stitched together some envelopes from the sheets of felt I made a few weeks ago.

Then there's this...

It was my first attempt at a felted vessel and it was a complete failure however...

I refuse to waste wool so...
I added some stitching and a few ceramic beads and I love it.
Even the little wool pebbles were a failed attempt at sweater beads a couple of years ago. I knew I would use them for something. Although the felting part of this bowl didn't turn out well, I love the colors and textures. It reminds me of cotton candy.

So, don't throw away those pieces that don't turn out quite right.
You'll use them some day for something.
This is how hoarders are born : )
Karen Ann


  1. These are sooooo incredible Karen! I adore that stack of necklaces and I hope you are wearing some!!! WOW!! And that vessel is ybut failure, it is the opposite, it is gorgeous , and it is art! I am blown away!So glad to see you creating, this is where you need to be! Love you and will write soon!

  2. Failure, what failure, I don't see a failure, you are too close to see the genius,,,you better call me,, I'll straighten you out. I love the envelopes! ...and pincushions!
