Wednesday, May 30, 2012

After The Rain

We've had a lot of rain these last couple of days.
On Sunday our lane was blocked with three huge fallen trees that the wind had snapped off and uprooted.
My husband did the half mile walk to the house to get his chain saw while my girls and I waited in the car. 
There are many people in this area who haven't had power since Sunday.

I ventured out to my garden this morning after yet another night of storms to salvage some of my roses for pressing. I noticed that many of my plants and flowers are being consumed by slugs. I'll have to do some research on what to do about that.

The garden smelled of chives as most of them were lying on the ground from the heavy rains.
My poor garden is beginning to look like it's been neglected for years.

If it ever quits raining I need to spruce it up a bit.
Hope you have sun where you are.
Karen Ann


  1. Other than salting the slugs individually, they do love beer. Just set up a little slug pub in a low bowl and they'll crawl right in.

  2. Oooooh, your garden looks divine! I could dive right into it...IO love it so much!!!
    I hope your weather improves, and can't wait to see what you do with the pressed gorgeous flowers!

  3. Oh I do think the garden looks wonderful, you should show more. The rose is beautiful, great shot of the chives, you do take such great photos. I have been pressing flowers too, I call it depression pressin therapy,,,,slugs, yea, snotty little things, we have lots of little ones from the warm winter we had,,,,,now the beer does work, but you might end up with drunken raccoons and possums on your deck. Hahaha,,not so funny, right?
    I am getting slug bait. I know they do not like marigolds, I have heard of people surrounding their vege garden with Merigolds.
    Oh by the way, the cotton will grow in crummy soil, no need to fuss too much.
