Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Getting My Spark Back

It seems I've lost my spark for creating these days.
Unwanted drama seems to force it's way into my life and it steals away my peace.
When my peace is gone, imagination and creativity are lost as well.
Inspiration and motivation are no longer with me.
Nothing flows freely.
Instead I force creativity in hopes that my spark will return.

Lavender Stuffed Necklace
The beautiful textile bead was made by Carolyn Saxby.
The tiny pillow was made with scraps of vintage fabric and lace and filled with a spoonful of lavender.


Repurposed Vintage Parts and two more of Carolyn's beads.


Beads by, you guessed it...Carolyn Saxby.
I figured if these beads couldn't inspire me to create, nothing could.
You can find Carolyn's beads for sale  HERE.

Thanks so much for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. CALM is a fabulous piece! Glad you could shut out the drama and work your artistic magic. I hope that brought as much peace to you as looking at these photos brought to me.
