Saturday, February 11, 2012

Some Journaling & Art In A Jar

I took a few days off from crafting and blogging to spend some time with family.
Today we are having quite a nasty winter storm here.
It's the perfect kind of day to stay inside and do something creative.
I finished a couple of pages in my journal.
I'm pretty sure nobody wants to read my thoughts that are included with these pages, so I'm only showing sections.
The photo on this page was from a card that I purchased somewhere in Maine last year.
It speaks to me somehow and I had to include it in this journal.

The next several photos are my "ART In A Jar" series.
I'm having a ton of fun playing around with these.
This one looks like Spring to me.
I picked the sticks and berries that I used in my backyard.

This one is very whimsical.

There are watch parts scattered about .

I tried making one with pink glitter.
A little too much glitter I think.
I will use less with the next one.

Now I'm off to finish a necklace that I've been working on.
I hope you're keeping busy with something fun on this cold wintery day.
See you soon.


  1. hello! I've just discovered your blog
    congratulation for the beautiful things you show here, they're really lovely
    have a nice day
    best wishes

  2. Hats off to the most consistently prolific artist I know of. I've been looking for a jar with a lid I can live with, but now I see I don't need a lid - I can just copy your technique with the cheesecloth. Love it. And you made me laugh with the pink glitter!
