Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Green Living

I made a quick stop at the thrift store today and came home with some wonderful new treasures which I'll share with you on another post.  Today I want to ramble on about how I've decided to recycle more, waste less and just make an overall effort to live a greener life. Although I've been using recycled materials in my crafts for years, I'm now taking it to a whole other level.  My Mom called me yesterday to let me know that she has a big stack of old newspapers for me, but she forgot to save her used dryer sheets this week.  My daughter stopped in for lunch today and complained that she has "trash" all over her kitchen that she's saving at my request. I know this might sound a bit like I'm some kind of hoarder and I guess I am to a certain degree, but not the kind you see on TV. I try to keep it all organized and I actually use these materials, not hoard them. Here are some of the things that I'm recycling at this time.
These used tea bags make the most beautiful papers for my journals.

After they are dried I open them, compost the tea and save the papers for my journal.
They're pretty and they even smell good.
I haven't done much composting in the past, but it seems like such a waste not to, so today I started a compost pail. It will be used in my garden.

I bought my first dozen of free range brown eggs today.
I wish I would have photographed the eggs before I cooked them. They were such a beautiful brown.

The shells went into the compost pail and I saved the carton for packaging up some small handmade Easter gifts.

SIMPLIFY is my new favorite word.

Who knows, I may end up raising chickens next.

Hope your day is simple and comfortable.
See you soon.

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