Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tattered Hearts

Tattered Is My Heart
You've Torn It All Apart
So I Picked Up All The Pieces
Smoothed Out All The Creases
Stitched It Back Together
But It's Tattered Now Forever

Hearts are one of my favorite things to make.
They're simple and sweet and there are so many different ways to make them.
With Valentine's Day approaching, I have a good excuse for making and displaying them.

Last night I ventured down to my sewing room, gathered the most tattered bits of lace and fabric that I could find, and set out to make a few hearts.

I wanted this to be a relaxing project, so there were no patterns involved.
I cut the hearts into different sizes and imperfect shapes.
The bits of lace and trim were very old antique adornments that were easily torn into random pieces.

The more tattered they were, the more I liked them.

I was caught up in the joy of creating and thinking of how we've lost so much beauty in this world for the sake of convenience.

These pretty silver hooks once adorned the cuff of a beautiful lace gown.
In todays world hooks have been replaced by velcro.

Where has the romance gone?
Handmade lace and delicate silk have been replaced by manmade synthetics.

As I sat there stitching I realized that my love of everything old comes down to romance.
Not the huggy kissy kind of romance, but the comfort that I find in the softness of a worn quilt or the faded fabric of an antique dress.

Even this old chippy door from an antique armoire has that feeling of romance to me.
I'm sure there must have been a pretty dress with lots of ruffles behind that door years ago.
The mirror where someone once admired their relection is no longer there.
I've replaced it with some rusty chicken wire and it seems the perfect place for my tattered hearts.

May you find some romance in your world today.


  1. This is sooo gorgeous Karen! I love your romantic torn hearts, and the way you have displyed them, and I love your feelings on this! So beautiful my friend!

  2. Karen, These hearts are the most beautiful I've ever seen. I never wear lace, but I'm always intrigued by its intricacy, and by thinking of the time and care and love that went into making the old pieces by hand. You've honored the fabric and those women of yore in a way that would make their own hearts sing.

  3. Such an amazing thing, lace,,,,and we appreciate the same things. You inspire me to put my lace treasures to work again, wonderfu post. I am glad we met, I spend more time on flickr than on blogs, but I must look further at both of yours.
    Happy Weekend!
