Monday, September 12, 2011


This is the only photo that I brought back with me from my trip to Maine last week.
I decided to just take it all in without the inconvenience of dragging a heavy camera around with me this time.
The beauty of Maine and the comfort I find there remains the same each time I visit.
It's where I feel at home even though I've never lived there.
I try to spend at least a few days there every year or so.

It rained the first two days we were there, but that didn't stop us from loving it.
Our mission was to enjoy the beauty of the ocean and the fresh sea food that comes from it, and to stop at as many antique shops as we could.
We were successful at all of the above.

Some wonderful Maine honey was on my list of things to bring back. We found some still in the comb at a sweet little farmer's market.

I returned home with every item on my list and will try to share photos of them over the upcoming days. Wool, beads, and antiques.
I was in heaven!

The very best thing I brought back with me was inspiration.
Aside from gathering supplies to keep me motivated through the long winter months, I brought back enough inspiration to put those supplies to good use.

Thank you all so much for stopping by.
Please take a minute to leave a comment about your favorite place and the things that inspire you.
It gets a bit lonely living here in the woods and the comments you share with me mean so much.
Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. This picture speaks volumes of the time you had and the feeling especially Karen! Beautiful!
