Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday's Flea Market Finds

This summer has been filled with flea market adventures for me.
My sweet husband has found a passion for pocket watches which means we now go treasure hunting together almost every weekend.
I've been gathering junk (treasures) for my art projects and home decor, and stock piling them for the long winter months ahead (like a squirrel gathering nuts).

Yesterday I hit the mother load!
Here are just a few of the amazing things I found.

This huge pile of wire baskets will be used for holding lace, ribbon and bits of fabric.
I like to be able to see what I have to work with and these baskets are great for that purpose.

The red wooden box will be for holding tools in my studio and the large wicker basket will be for yarn.

This deer skull has just the right amount of creepiness for one of my art projects.

The sectioned wooden box in the first photo will be for displaying some of my small treasures.

This sweet French sign is going in my kitchen today.

I found so many fabulous trinkets yesterday and will be posting photos of the rest of my finds soon.
I found some wonderful things to share with friends as well.

Have you been treasure hunting lately?
I'd love to see your finds.
Have a wonderful week everyone.


1 comment:

  1. Those wire baskets are awesome! I wish I could get my hubby to go with me. I love going with my GF's but were always after the same things! LOL
