Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Little Paint & Some Hard Work

I've been wanting to paint this old dining room furniture for over a year and I finally did it.
I'd forgotten how much work and time is involved in such a project.
It's not perfect and there are a few details left to finish, but after 4 days of sanding and painting, it's getting there and I'm pretty happy with it so far.

Now, if I only had the rest of my house in order...



  1. oh my goodness, I just found your blog and I AM IN LOVE!! :) I wish we lived closer cuz we could have sooo much fun thrifting and crafting.
    Congrats on the furniture painting! I know that had to be an enormous job. I picked up a vintage cedar hope chest recently that had about 4 different coats of paint on it, none of them to my taste so of course I had to sand and paint. It took days, but looks great now, all white and chippy...perfect. Then, cuz that wasn't enough, I sanded and painted my kitchen cupboards and walls! So, I understand the enormity of your project...;) They look fabulous!
    While reading thru some of your archives, I came upon a post that said something about the fact that nobody understands the stuff you do. I have the same problem...:( I also 'quit' everything for a time. Then I realized, I live in a hippy town and nobody would give me a second glance...and for the most part they don't, although some family members think I'm completely nuts! I'm alright with that...;)
    Anyway, nice to 'meet' you. I'll be back...:)

  2. Looks fantastic! Love the shabby white furniture and slip covered chairs. Tiffany

  3. You blow me away Karen with your work! Just the fact that you did all this is such an accomplishment, AND, it looks fabulous!! I adore all the white and the shabby chic look! I would live in this room, it's beautiful!
