Friday, June 10, 2011

Dressing Hortense

I've been very anxious to finish the dress I've been planning for Hortense.
I haven't had time to gather the moss that I had planned to use, but noticed the bucket of peonies wilting in the corner of my porch, and decided to get started with those.
So, by the light of the moon, with the big, furry, hole digging beast hiding under the porch, I began.
I've chosen a rusty old chain and a broken Big Ben as her necklace.
Rusty garden tools hang from her burlap, coffee bean sack apron.
The peonies are fluttering to the floor, but it's okay, we're just getting started.
We (Hortense & I) have a long way to go, but you get the idea.
Hortense & I are hoping you all have a wonderful weekend.
I'm off to The Pick-A-Dilly Herb Faire tomorrow.
Hortense will be here protecting Flower Forest.

Hugs to all,

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