Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day From Punxsutawney, PA

That's right...I live in Punxsutawney...home of Punxsy Phil...and apparently he thinks that Spring is coming early this year.  So, today when I drove into the actual town of Punxsutawney to mail out some Etsy packages, I braved the crowds (a small crowd this year due to last nights ice storm), and went into my favorite little junk store, "Chicks From the Sticks".  I've had my eye on a shabby pink table and some chippy architectural pieces which I purchased and will post at a later time. I also found this cute little heart with a baby's image on it. Isn't it sweet?

So, I hope you all had a lovely Groundhog Day?!

Before I forget, I've been listing new things daily in my Etsy vintage shop. Anyone who's interested in antiques and vintage goodies might want to take a peek.
Thanks everyone for taking time out to read my blog or say hi or view the photos here or visit the people on my blog list or...
I appreciate you all so much!

1 comment:

  1. Love that sweet little heart Karen! I sure hope Phil is right!
