Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Start of Something French

My collection of "stuff" has gotten completely out of hand lately. I've decided to pick out the things I love the most and get rid of the rest.
Here are a few of the things I've kept in an attempt to create a French inspired bedroom.
There is a set of ceramic busts.
A photo I took at a nearby cemetery.
Some sheer white curtains.
A silver tray with some crystal pieces and a teacup displayed.
A big mirror.
The shadowbox is something I put together last night instead of sleeping.
I'm no expert on decorating or anything French, I'm just having fun pretending.
The sun is shining here. I hope it's shining where you are too.
Have a great day!


  1. Love the french theme, it;'s beautiful and romantic. I love how you did everything in black and white and sepia photos, very beautiful!
    Lots of ice here today, no sun, but I can pretend too!
