Sunday, January 16, 2011

Eco-Friendly Crafting

 Windchimes made from old flatware.
I didn't actually make this set of wind chimes, but they look relatively easy to do.
 The spoons are hammered flat and holes are drilled at the top of each handle.
There is a hole drilled at the end of the fork handle and another one centered above the prongs.
The prongs of the forks are bent and the spoons attached with string.
I think this is such a cool idea.

 Turn an ugly garment into pretty mixed media supplies.
 This ugly jacket had some really nice embroidery work, so I cut it apart and made some supplies for a mixed media sewing project.

 Some cheery polka dot sheets that I am going to recycle to make some kitchen curtains for summer.

I'm really having fun making new things from old things.
Do you have any ideas for using recycled materials  in your art projects or home decor.
I'd love to hear about them.
Thanks for stopping in to see what I've been up to.
I so appreciate your visit.

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