Monday, March 15, 2010

Found Treasures

Tom and I went treasure hunting yesterday. The first place we went to was like the t.v. show "Pickers". There was so much to see and you had to dig to find things. The prices were great and it was a lot of fun. I found a hand painted bowl from Hong Kong and a little green ceramic planter with cherry blossoms. They were a steal at only $1.00 each.

The next place was an antique mall. The prices weren't as good as the first place, but still not bad. I found a pair of grey wool spats, a gallon of antique buttons in the coolest glass jar, a ceramic hand, a ceramic bird, a fabric woven bowl and a bunch of button sets. It took hours to walk through the place, but it was well worth it.

It was a quality day for Tom and I. We talked a lot and stoppd to have lunch together. We even had a few laughs. We need more days like this one.

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