Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Mid Winter

Yesterday was a day for cooking lots of healthy food.
Enough for a few days and also some to freeze for a later time.
Today I will force myself to organize, purge, or clean something, but not sure what.
Brain fog and lack of motivation have taken over for now, but I will try to be positive and push through it. Winter is tough for me, but it won't last forever. Spring and sunshine will be here before you know it.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Ice In The Back Yard

We've had warmer temps here in PA for the past three days and it has caused a thaw and a breakup of the ice in the nearby creek.
It must have flooded over night.
There are huge chunks of ice at the halfway point between my house and the creek.
We've never had this happen here before.
The sound of the ice crashing into each other was crazy.
It was snapping large low hanging branches.
I have a feeling we will have some downed trees.
I just can't get over the size and thickness of this ice.

It's pouring rain now and the temp is dropping rapidly.
We are expecting freezing rain and 8 inches of snow tonight.
I can live without it for sure.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Simple Felting

Haven't seen a human face in three days now.
It's times like this that I really miss my dog.

Felted up a few wool beads just to keep from going nuts.
Started out with a bit of needle felting,
then wet felted them.
Needle felted a few mushrooms as well.
Untangled some yarn and rolled it into some balls.
Better than watching TV.
Nettle, hemp, jute and silk.
Spools under glass.

The cold, snow and ice are depressing the hell out of me.
Hope you all are coping better than I am.